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SOIL & EARTH Workshop Program


This workshop will be an introduction to the synergy between the natural world, urban environments & humans that have expanded life to live within .

Learn about poetry as a tool for advocacy and as a direct tool for raising awareness urban Soil and Earth Day Planet v Plastic themes. 

WEEK 2: Delve into the myth and symbolism of soil and earth. 
In many myths and creation stories, humans are believed to have been formed from the earth, emphasizing a profound connection between individuals and the soil. Learn about the deeper connections between human culture and the ground beneath our feet.


Look into poetic forms and devices to create EcoPoetry around soil health, plastic and the courses previous themes:

  • Create more writing for World Earth Day’s awareness raising around plastic pollution

  • Enjoy writing positive future stories about soil health and connecting city dwellers with the land.


Prepare a powerful and memorable online spoken word performance with these techniques.

  • performing to camera

  • online presence

  • Read Aloud and edit with purpose

  • Meet, share and perform your poem with other poets to make sure it’s slam ready!

When Does The Synergy Slam: SOIL & EARTH Poetry Competition start?

The workshop programme begins in March until the end of April.
If you would like more details, fill in the Contact Us form below!

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